Mike 7th September 2018

Hi Derek So sad to hear about your dad. Himself and my dad were great pals. My lasting memory is of the two of them back in the 1960s meeting up at the highest point in Paddington Rec on a Sunday, trying to get a reception on some old transistor, for the All Ireland Hurling final. The match would fade in and out and during the fade outs there would be great discussion over whether a foul given was justified or why some fellow wasn’t pulling his weight on the wing. (and all from the commentary and without seeing a thing!). Especially there would be comments like ‘that ref is a cheat’ and ‘well what would you expect from a Dub’ There was one year when the battery gave up with only ten minutes to play… you'd think it was a disaster to rival the crash of the Hindenberg :) Well, that’s another of their generation gone and it seems like the old world is moving slowly on leaving us to carry the torch. And 91 is a great age. I hope we all make it that far. Deepest sympathy to the family from all the Kilcooleys. Micheal Kilcooley